Help us fulfill our vision of a community free of domestic violence and sexual assault. Your generosity and support are critical and appreciated.
We believe that all women, children and families deserve to be treated with respect, and no one deserves to suffer at the hands of another.
Your gift:
- Keeps our hotline up and running 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Ensures our 120-bed emergency housing is a safe refuge for women and children escaping abuse.
- Allows survivors and their families to begin their healing journey through FREE individual and group counseling services available.
- Helps stop the cycle of violence by teaching teens about healthy relationships and how to stop dating violence before it starts.
Thank you for making a difference to survivors throughout Houston.

Lives Can Be Saved.
"I see how domestic violence ends. I see it over and over. I sit with families; I hear their stories. No one should have to bury a loved one because of violence. I recently worked with HAWC to support their efforts to launch a Safety Planning initiative, so survivors have access to free, personalized safety planning. We need Houstonians to get on board. Your contributions make a real impact on families in Houston. Lives can be saved. Join us in supporting this vital organization."
-Gregory Compean
President, Compean Funeral Home
HAWC Board of Director
Make a credit card donation by simply filling out the information below. To donate by mail, scroll to the bottom of the page for our address. HAWC is a 501 C(3) organization.
To donate by mail:
Print this donation form and mail it in with your donation to:
For General Fund:
P.O. Box 650998
Dallas, Texas 75265-0998
For Capital Expansion Campaign:
P.O. Box 650998
Dallas, Texas 75265-0998
*Checks should be mailed to the HAWC lockbox at Frost National Bank. This is the fastest and safest way to process your donation.
To donate by phone:
To make a donation by phone, or for questions regarding monetary donations, please reach out to
Advancement & Public Strategies
Phone: 281-572-0168
For questions regarding donations involving goods, please visit our Residential Campus Needs list on Amazon.