Currently, 1 in 3 of HAWC’s clients is a child.
Children and Youth Services.
HAWC recognizes the importance of helping children heal from the effects of violence. Children and youth who receive HAWC’s services are victims of, or witnesses to, abuse.
The single best predictor of children becoming either perpetrators or victims of violence later in life is whether or not they grow up in a home with domestic violence. Without intervention, the cycle of violence often perpetuates itself from generation to generation.
At HAWC, we work to promote resiliency for children exposed to violence through a variety of programs, including:
- Emergency Housing Campus: Children regain a sense of safety, heal from trauma, make new friends, and attend school in a secure setting. Families can also access childcare services and enrichment programs while remaining in safe refuge.
- Children’s Court Services: Court advocates who educate, support and accompany children and their non-offending family members as they prepare for the court process.
- Children’s Counseling: Youth and adolescents ages 6-18 can begin their healing journey with trained counselors and advocates in supportive individual and group settings. School-based counseling is also available through our community partnerships.
- Violence Prevention: Educators and outreach counselors incorporate prevention strategies in our communities and in the schools to promote healthy parent-child relationships, friendships and teen dating relationships.
To learn more about our Children and Youth Services, connect with us at our Hotline at 713-528-2121. TTY: 346-295-8994.

"The children we serve inspire me to do this work, day in and day out. They do not let their abuse define them. They are true survivors."
– Sabrina Swan, Children's Court Services Manager