Our hearts go out to the women whose lives were tragically taken due to domestic violence, as well as those currently facing such challenging circumstances. If you need support, please contact the Houston Area Women’s Center. We are here to provide the support and hope you deserve, because your past, your present, and your abuser do not define your future. Remember, you are not alone—we are here to help you reclaim your strength, independence and restore life, again.

We, at the Houston Area Women’s Center, are deeply saddened by the recent femicides of Ana and Andrea. Women who were courageous but lost their lives at the hands of their abusers. The tragic deaths of these women underscore the urgent need for a broader and more open discussion about the realities of domestic abuse and the dangers survivors face. Domestic abuse is a pattern of abusive behaviors to gain or maintain power and control over another person. We must confront the fact this public health crisis impacts all of us. One life is far too many.

Ana actively sought to secure her safety and leave her abuser. She called the police and accessed emergency housing. Ana’s story is a painful reminder that leaving an abusive relationship is often the most dangerous time for survivors. Research consistently shows the risk of violence significantly increases when someone attempts to escape their abuser.

Abusers utilize control tactics that keep survivors in the relationship. This includes manipulation that can severely impact the survivor’s ability to seek help or escape the situation. According to a study led by the University of Houston, local domestic-abuse related homicides have doubled from 2019 to 2022.

Additionally, the presence of firearms in domestic violence situations has been shown to dramatically increase the risk of lethality by 500%. Andrea, a Rice University Student, became a victim of intimate partner violence (IPV) losing her life to gun violence at the hands of her boyfriend. In Texas, guns accounted for 73% of identified intimate partner violence deaths over 2019-2022.

This is why it’s crucial to not only recognize these dangers but to also provide resources and support systems for survivors. Though every domestic violence situation is unique, the cycle can have a pattern, and we are able to ask the right questions, at the right time, to break the cycle of violence.

Abusers often employ psychological, emotional, and financial tactics to maintain power and control. Studies show 99% of domestic violence survivors experience some form of financial abuse and create significant barriers to economic independence. This limits the survivor’s options and opportunities.

Safety planning can help reduce the risk of future harm from an abuser. Visit Houston Area Women’s Center’s website to help create a plan. HAWC will make FREE personalized safety plans, tailored to you, your situation, and concerns.

These strategies are meant as considerations to help identify protective measures for yourself (and your children) when you are experiencing any type of abuse – and ready to leave. Remember, you are not alone, the abuse is not your fault, and no one deserves to be in an abusive relationship.

The gateway to access all services at Houston Area Women’s Center is through our 24/7 hotline. Calls are free and confidential, and counselors can help you no matter what language you speak.

Call our 24/7 hotline: (713) 528-2121, or live chat on our website: hawc.org.

Domestic Violence Hotline:
(713) 528-2121

Sexual Assault Hotline:
(713) 528-RAPE (7273)

Additional Texas Data: Texas Council On Family Violence Fact Sheet- English | Texas Council On Family Violence Fact Sheet- Spanish

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In Case You Missed It:
Safety planning saves lives.
HAWC offers free, individualized safety planning through the domestic violence hotline and chat on this website.

Learn more about our Leadership Campaign!
HAWC’s longest standing campaign, raising awareness and funds to support survivors of domestic and sexual violence.

There are many ways to make a difference at HAWC! Learn more at Get Involved.

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