Houston Standing Up for Survivors
For 26 years, the Houston Area Women’s Center’s Leadership Campaign has been at the forefront of raising awareness and funds to support survivors of domestic and sexual violence. This campaign engages business and community leaders to join the fight against the cycle of violence.
While every domestic violence situation is unique, patterns often emerge, and our expertise enables us to ask the right questions at the right moments to support what the survivors need, to break these patterns. However, we cannot achieve this crucial work without your support. Join the Leadership Campaign TODAY and be a vital part of ending the cycle of abuse and transforming lives. Houston, let’s stand for survivors.
Leadership Campaign sponsor levels range from $5,000 – $100,000. Houston, we need your support!
For more information, reach out to HAWC’s President of Advancement and Public Strategies Officer Rita Garza at rgarza@hawc.org.
Become A Multi-Year Funder
We are proud to acknowledge our valued + partners. These leading funders have committed to supporting HAWC year after year, in response to the growing needs of the Houston community. Their support is crucial as HAWC continues to provide free and confidential services to survivors of domestic and sexual violence, while actively working to end the cycle of abuse.
Yetter Coleman Stands Up for Survivors
HAWC is proud to announce campaign Co-Chairs from the Yetter Coleman firm: Elizabeth Wyman, Lily Hann, and Connie Pfeiffer. Thank you for being Leaders in making Houston safer for all.

Connie Pfeiffer: “I’ve supported HAWC’s annual campaign for years but only came to deeply understand its mission and needs after representing HAWC in the U.S. Supreme Court. In that work we learned the stories of HAWC’s clients, toured their facilities, and got to know their amazing leadership team. HAWC is doing essential work in Houston and needs all of our support.”
Lily Hann: “For years, one of my central preoccupations has been women’s equality, which requires women’s physical and emotional safety as a foundation. HAWC protects women and children at some of their most vulnerable moments. By helping women in need, HAWC improves the lives not only of those who access its direct services but also benefits our community generally, allowing women the security to reach their potential. I’m excited to Co-Chair this year’s Leadership Campaign to secure the funds for HAWC’s important—and irreplaceable—work.”
Elizabeth Wyman: “HAWC is unmatched in our community for the depth and breadth of resources they offer sexual abuse and domestic violence survivors—from shelter to counseling to hospital accompaniment to anti-violence education, and everything in between! Their mission saves lives in so many ways, and it’s an honor to co-chair this campaign.”
If you encounter any issues making a contribution, please user our General Donation Form.
If you prefer, click HERE for the printable form.