From the first moment survivors need help until they gain a sense of stability, our crisis response team is there every step of the way.

All services are available to clients according to their needs, goals and comfort level — it is their choice to access what’s available.

Need Help? LiveChat. Safe, Anonymous, and Secure.

If you are seeking help or questioning abuse, we are here to chat live with you at the bottom of the website.

What to expect when you reach out to us

Clients access crisis support as soon as they walk through our doors, call our 24/7 hotlines or go to the hospital.

Highly trained HAWC advocates provide survivors with information and resources to assess their danger, make a safety plan, find shelter and access services such as legal help and housing options. Survivors and their children fleeing violence and trafficking can receive safety on demand at HAWC’s 120-bed emergency residential facility, the only one of its kind within the Houston Metropolitan Area.


HAWC gave me the chance to overcome. HAWC was there for me and showed me the way.

- Sylvia, Domestic Violence Survivor

Be part of the solution.